The following letter was signed by 44 Senators calling for Congress to maintain funding for LIHEAP at $5.1 billion for FY 2011: 44 Senators signed the attached Senate letter: Reed, Snowe, Sherrod Brown, Collins, Leahy, Bond, Mikulski, Lugar, Kohl, Scott Brown, Murray, Lautenberg, Johnson, Landrieu, Dodd, Sanders, Shaheen, Schumer, Lieberman, Feingold, Kerry, Bingaman, Levin, Gillibrand, Whitehouse, Burris, Wyden, McCaskill, Casey, Menendez, Cantwell, Franken, Bennet, Stabenow, Klobuchar, Begich, Rockefeller, Cardin, Webb, Tester, Merkley, Lincoln, Murkowski, T. Udall.
Contact: Mark Wolfe, NEADA, 202-237-5199, [email protected].